Thursday, April 30, 2020

My First Workshop

Awareness Programme-Cum-Workshop on
Children with Diverse Learning and their Educational Needs 
School of Education, Faculty of Education
                                                  Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi                                                      
(30th – 31st October 2019)
About the Workshop
Inclusive education means that all students attend and are welcomed by their neighbourhood schools in age-appropriate, regular classes and are supported to learn, contribute and participate in all aspects of the life of the school. Inclusive education is about looking at the ways our schools, classrooms, programs and lessons are designed so that all children can participate and learn. It also means finding ways to develop friendships, relationships and mutual respect between all children, and between children and teachers in the school.
The constitution of India clearly articulates that it aims to uphold the dignity of every person in the society and prevent any kind of discrimination. Thus, education of children with diverse learning is one of the major responsibilities of the government of India. Therefore, the need of hour is to prepare a teacher who can teach in inclusive classroom following inclusive pedagogy and take care of diverse learning needs. Inclusive pedagogy demands identification of special and diverse learning needs, designing and implementing the needs based teaching learning practices in such a manner that the entire class gets equal opportunity to participate and learn. The same has also been acknowledged in the NCFTE 2009 and also reiterated in the latest (2014) norms and standard published by the NCTE for all pre-service teacher training degree programmes.   
The philosophy of inclusion desires to include all students in the same class and create teams of regular and special teachers working collaboratively and cooperatively to combine their professional knowledge and skills. The role of principal is vital in developing such team.
Therefore, teachers of schools at each level must be aware of the needs of children with diverse learning and their role and responsibilities so that he or she can cater the need of such children. As your students enter the classroom, they bring with them a unique background, set of skills and educational needs. Diversity in the classroom does not just refer to cultural diversity but also refers to diversity in skills, knowledge and needs. Teachers and parents place a high priority on strengthening programs to improve outcomes for diverse learners in attaining college and career readiness with teachers in high-poverty schools and schools serving large populations of students of color being most likely to state this as the highest priority. Every student has strengths and weaknesses. Every student has her own way of learning. Most importantly, every student has her own way of best expressing what she has learned.
At first, to engage every student seems like an impossible task. Yet there are small changes every teacher can make to help students become successful learners.
Hence the aim of this workshop is to aware the teachers of primary and secondary schools with the children with diverse learning and their educational needs. It will also throw light upon Inclusive Classroom Strategies, Planning and Management of Inclusive Classroom, Inclusive lesson plan preparation Activity, Inclusive Evaluation and Some Issues and Challenges in inclusive education.


Friday, June 28, 2019

Hello friends

This blog is created to write your experiences that encourage you to fly. There is a one phase of life in everyone's life that you have to take decisions. So please share your experiences.